Monday, October 3, 2011

Top 5 Estate Planning Must Reads from September 2011

If you're on Twitter or Facebook, but don't currently follow us, here's our Top 5 list for September 2011 of must read articles about estate planning, organization, and settlement. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

1. How to properly name IRA beneficiaries:
2. It's time to have the talk -- 6 things to do before your spouse dies:
3. Top 5 reasons to avoid joint ownership between generations:
4. Have you talked with your family about your estate plan? The WSJ shares some pointers:
5. On legacies with strings attached: 

To follow our future postings, check us out on Twitter or Facebook. Take action with your own affairs today -- check out EstateLogic, our online estate organizer, at

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